Did you ever wonder why it is so difficult to find actual, original content on the WWW, instead of just references to other places and the work of other people? I’m serious, think about this for a minute. You can dig and search for hours and still only find lists of things and copies of things that OTHER PEOPLE have created. Seldom will you arrive at a site that contains unique, original material.
One reason for this is that it is now so simple to merely copy things, that people can spend much time doing this and tell themselves they have created something new. What they have actually done is just shuffle around things which were already there.
Another reason is a very old one, which is: it’s difficult to create something new and different. Artists and writers and musicians have faced this problem since day one.
And a third reason combines the first two — because it is so difficult to create and so easy to copy (appropriate), creators are reluctant to put original material out where it may be ‘borrowed’ or ‘re-used’ or just plain stolen without their consent.
© Copyright Notice
You have found a site where there is much original content, both visual and written. Judge for yourself what it’s worth, BUT — I ask you to respect the copyright of the creator (me) and not re-use any material in in these pages in any way without my prior written consent.
Site content and original photography copyright ©1994-2025 Samuel J Pogany. All rights reserved.
That said, enjoy yourself. Feel free to comment and react if you wish. Thanks for listening.