The Return of Mr Samuel

Last updated on 2/14/2023

Remember that term, “cobwebbed” sites – haven’t been touched in ages? There was a textbook demo here if you wanted to see what the 90s were like. Some of that will get updates under oldies or Mr Samuel.  Otherwise, all new opinion and observation from an older wiser me. In with the broom, out with the cobwebs.

Where have I been all these years, you want to know? Out in the world, doing… life. When we left off, there were high-schoolers in the band, a downtown career in full swing, a full house and family. The Cleveland Freenet was still online and I had made some new friends there. (I hope you’re still out there, feel free to write if you stumble across this.) Now there are married children, a grandson, empty nest, retirement looming like a semi on a foggy highway. Many family members now are together at the reunion in the beyond. I’m left with memories, but also a better appreciation of who they really were when they were here.

But even though I stopped talking about it here, life didn’t stop happening. There were the riotous college years, for the offspring and for me. There was a late-life running revival, a career dislocation, all nieces and nephews grown mysteriously taller than me, transition into a parental care-giver role, friends and family relocated in every way possible. What has made it through intact from those days? Marriage, love, home, a close family despite distance, my skeptical-humorous outlook on life – the things that really count. Let’s see what the next chapter has in store.

Before I forget, there will be updates from Mr Samuel, too. Our close friend and bumbling alter-ego will make an appearance when his cultural calendar allows. We can’t say no to a man who wears tails every day!

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