Mr Samuel Hits The Road

Last updated on 2/1/2023

I almost never have to travel in my line of work, and I was always a little envious of the sales guys at our company who do. It looks a lot more interesting than going to the same boring place every day and doing the same boring things. But this week, I finally got to say that old line — ‘I was called out of town on business.’

We have a client in Pittsburgh who absolutely MUST HAVE ME RIGHT THERE in their clutches to make some impossible deadline. So, guess where I’m livin’ for the next 3 weeks? In a Holiday Inn in the fair city of Springdale, PA. ‘NO PROBLEM!’ I think to myself. ‘I’ll just get out Larry’s handy list of 101 Fun Things To Do While You’re In Pittsburgh and be on my way!’

Well Larry, thanks for the great ideas, but they are workin’ me like a dog and I do not have time to scratch any part of my anatomy, let alone go trekking off on shopping and dining expeditions. After a 12 hour day, all I want to do is take a shower and consume mass quantities of the excellent locally brewed Penn Pilsener.

The environment is that ideal combination of small-town and industrial. There are LOTS of trucks around here, and there is a definite twang in the air. On the plus side, we are using up all the local lunch spots, and I figure soon we will have to go to the big city because we have eaten every place else. And another thing that I never heard about this city is — it is REALLY PRETTY at night. I know that goes against the smokestack image that Pittsburgh has, but it’s true. Everywhere you go, there’s a river and a mountain, and all the city lights reflect off the water like it was Venice or something. To get a view like that here in flat old Cleveland, you have to go way out over the lake in a helicopter.

So I’m home for a day of R&R, then I’ve got to turn around and go back again. Unfortunately I’m totally without net access there, so I’m going thru severe withdrawal agony. See you all in a week or so….

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