Mr. Samuel Hacks the Landscape

Last updated on 2/14/2023

Well, it started with a couple of shrubs that I just didn’t like the looks of when we moved in. So, hack hack, they’re outta there.

Then, some old plum trees got that ugly black knot disease. Yech… fire up the chain saw, they’re firewood. And the big storm a couple years back blew the top off a little black walnut tree, so it was hasta la vista baby for that one too.

That ancient apple tree split in half all by itself, and then two pines came down. The peach tree froze to death one night this winter. You guessed it…

At this rate, the place is gonna look like a desert by the end of the year. Anybody still need wood for their stove?

Oh, you tell me you’re supposed to PLANT STUFF too?

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