Last updated on 2/21/2023
Mid-April. A small white house on a silent country road is completely surrounded by apple trees in full bloom. It is 2 AM on a full moonlit night. There is no breeze so the sweet blossoms fill the clear night air with their gentle perfume. The moonlight slants through the stark white flowers.
A young and very pregnant woman is walking slowly to the car. Her father has come to stay with a young daughter while her husband takes her to give birth their second child, a son. As they make their way carefully over the uneven ground, the young mother can hear an owl hooting gently from the nearby trees. It is the only sound in all the world tonight. As she gets into the car, she hears it again. She smiles to herself, knowing all will be well.
Einstein passes on later that year. The famous illustrator, Willy Pogany, also dies in New York that year. Unfortunately, both of these events occur months after the vignette in the orchard, so the trans-migration is incomplete.
Mr Samuel – A peep is born
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